my notes
Pseudo code for the PID controller
To add the derivative term to the controller we need to add a new variable for Kd and a variable to remember the last error. And don't forget that we are multiplying our Ks by 100 to help with the integer math.
Kp = 1000 ! REMEMBER we are using Kp*100 so this is really 10 !
Ki = 100 ! REMEMBER we are using Ki*100 so this is really 1 !
Kd = 10000 ! REMEMBER we are using Kd*100 so this is really 100!
offset = 45 ! Initialize the variables
Tp = 50
integral = 0 ! the place where we will store our integral
lastError = 0 ! the place where we will store the last error value
derivative = 0 ! the place where we will store the derivative
Loop forever
LightValue = read light sensor ! what is the current light reading?
error = LightValue - offset ! calculate the error by subtracting the offset
integral = integral + error ! calculate the integral
derivative = error - lastError ! calculate the derivative
Turn = Kp*error + Ki*integral + Kd*derivative ! the "P term" the "I term" and the "D term"
Turn = Turn/100 ! REMEMBER to undo the affect of the factor of 100 in Kp, Ki and Kd!
powerA = Tp + Turn ! the power level for the A motor
powerC = Tp - Turn ! the power level for the C motor
MOTOR A direction=forward power=PowerA ! actually issue the command in a MOTOR block
MOTOR C direction=forward power=PowerC ! same for the other motor but using the other power level
lastError = error ! save the current error so it can be the lastError next time around
end loop forever ! done with loop, go back and do it again.